Welcome to TPS Academy

TPS Academy has been created as a safe space for anyone (but, specifically, Sentientists) to discover personal development techniques, learn how one might go about implementing them as well as share personal experiences and knowledge with a common objective of improving well-being as well as finding fulfilment in life.

Through courses and coaching, we aim to help you make breakthroughs designed to completely and profoundly positively transform both your personal and professional life.

"Only the mediocre are always at their best"

- Jean Giraudoux -

Hi, I’m Bradley Dorfan

In my opinion, our lives, or rather the state thereof, can be regarded as the physical manifestation of the general quality of the choices we have made over a period of time.

What we experience today then, in respect of our circumstances, achievements and overall wellbeing, did not happen all of a sudden and is, therefore, not out of our control.

Our lives are very much in our control, but require a dedication to making quality decisions consistently over a period of time, so that the outcomes we desire can manifest in the future (as our undesirable outcomes have done in the present).

Here's the rub, unfortunately... quality decisions can only be made beyond the realm of our comfort zones and their consistent application will require of us a level of intentionality not demanded by substandard decision making.

It is with the above in mind that I attempt to make every decision and take any action and, although, it is by no means an easy task, it does get better with time, the person we become in the process is worth every moment of sacrifice and struggle and it is a far kinder reality than the alternative... a lifetime of mediocrity and having to carry an unbearable weight of regret along the way.

What we should do and how might we reach the peak of our potential are entirely subjective questions.

However, I propose to share with you the thoughts, beliefs, opinions, ideas, lived experiences and techniques which have served me well (insofar as I have been able to practically and successfully apply them) in my pursuit to discover the behaviour required by the life I desire.

Do I fall short? Often. But this should not distract from the fact that, when I have put the requisite procedures in place, visible results have manifested in due course.

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Although I have made significant changes and advancements in my own life and am committed to the continuance of improving my circumstances and wellbeing in every possible way, my journey into the world of entrepreneurship and education is merely in its infancy.

I hope that you can forgive any shortcomings I may reveal, and any mistakes I make, as I do my best to foster this aspect of my personal journey (just as I shall extend compassion towards you on yours).

I am fascinated by this field and will slowly be rolling out resources, courses, programs and products which, I believe, will improve the quality of our lives.

My only ask is that we can assume this project together, in that I would love your input, feedback, ideas, advice and critique going forward.

Since you are here reading this, I can only assume that you are an extraordinary person, simply trapped in a situation you can't quite escape all on your own.

I've been there, in many ways I'm still there, but there's no reason to stay there and I'm here to tell you that, together, we can figure a way out.

With an abundance of love and respect; signing off,

Bradley Dorfan